NOW Live Events

Participant Spotlight: Mindfulness in Schools Project

The Mindfulness in Schools ProjectThe Mindfulness in Schools Project is made up of teachers who have taught mindfulness in the classroom and, having seen the benefits, wish to help others use it in their schools. They work in collaboration with the Well-Being Institute of Cambridge University and the Oxford Mindfulness Centre.

2 Minute Interview:

How does your workshop relate to being in the NOW?

Mindfulness epitomises being in this moment – your breath and body is always here, right now, no matter where the mind is!  Mindfulness training increases our natural ability to be aware of what’s going on at the moment, and to be friendly to all the things our mind and body is experiencing. We can become more mindful by concentrating on our breathing or feelings in our bodies as we move around, eat, play and rest.

What are you most looking forward to doing within your slot at NOW?

Sharing some fun, practical .b mindfulness exercises with lots of people.

Any tips on how the audience can most benefit from your workshop? 

You already have everything you need to be mindful – no props required. Just bring your mind, body and curiosity along.

At Deptford Lounge:

Mindfulness training involves learning to direct our attention to our experience as it unfolds, moment by moment, with open-minded curiosity and acceptance. .b is a course written especially for young people by the Mindfulness in Schools Project, and it’s been taught to thousands of children across the world. Come along and join in with our short, playful .b exercises, and find out where your mind is right now! Suitable for all minds aged 4 and up.